Recording of AI Workshop & Panel, Nov 9, 2023

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Sree at the Nov 9 workshop. Photo by Robert Anthony, @newyorkbob

Buy a recording of a terrific workshop and all-star panel about AI hosted by Sree Sreenivasan, with experts Aimee Rinehart of the Associated Press and Dr. Borhance Blili-Hamelin of the AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance..

Learn big-picture ideas and handy, practical tips and tools about generative AI and more. More than 100 people attended online and in person. You can now join them by watching the recording and getting the slides (which will constantly be updated).

TESTIMONIAL: "What an excellent class... thank you! Generative AI is an unbelievably exciting and terrifying subject. Looking forward to participating in future classes." — Jill Davison, global comms executive.


Sree Sreenivasan, cofounder and CEO of Digimentors, former CDO @MetMuseum, @NYCgov and @Columbia, unwraps his Non-Scary Guide to Generative AI. Learn about what generative AI really is, how AI can be useful in our work and our daily lives. As Sree says, if we don't get out in front of it, Generative AI really will be scary.

Getting out in front is exactly what Sree will help attendees do by demonstrating the latest AI tools, unveiling use cases and highlighting best practices. Spend an evening with Sree and friends and join the AI conversation with confidence.

During the second half, AI experts will join Sree for a panel discussion that gets to the heart of what's great and what's not about the AI moment that has descended on us.

Our featured speakers are Aimee Reinhart, Senior Product Manager AI Strategy for The Associated Press; and Dr. Borhane Blili-Hamelin, AI Risk and Vulnerability Alliance (ARVA).

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You'll get a link to the 2-hour recording + link to the slides + invite to future live and remote events.

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Recording of AI Workshop & Panel, Nov 9, 2023

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